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Reg Hunter - Terms And Conditions

RegHunters.co.uk Terms and Conditions of website use and purchase of registration rights, goods and services ‘Terms’

(For terms relating to RegHunter's acquisition of registration rights please click here)


1. Introduction and Definitions.

1.1 The RegHunters.co.uk website sells the rights of entitlement to display vehicle registration marks. The RegHunters.co.uk website, as at 1 March 2023 is owned by Supplied to You Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, with the registered office at 9 The Foxes Telford, TF7 4NH United Kingdom, company registration number 08865745.

Correspondence should be sent to :
RegHunters, 78 Kingfisher Drive, Wombwell, Barnsley S73 0UY
email: sales@reghunters.co.uk
Tel: 01226 339 777

From 1 March 2023, management and legal contract fulfilment for RegHunters.co.uk is undertaken by Supplied to You. In this document references to ‘we’, ‘us’, ’our’ and ‘RegHunters’ shall mean ‘Supplied to You trading as RegHunters.co.uk’

1.2 Use of the RegHunters.co.uk website and/or all online and offline services of RegHunters.co.uk (including telesales services and our Internet social networking pages and channels) are subject to these Terms and Conditions (hereafter referred to as "the Terms"), and by using the site or services you agree to be bound by the Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms then you may not use our website or services.

1.3 You may make a copy of these Terms for your reference. The Terms are a legal agreement between you and us and can only be modified with our consent. We may improve or revise these Terms at our discretion by changing them on this website. The version of these Terms that is current, and thus displayed at the time of your visit, will apply whenever you use this website or our services.

1.4 The term ‘Donor’ refers to the owner of a registration - i.e. the party who owns the entitlement to display the registration upon his/her vehicle, and who will transfer that right to the purchaser upon completion of a registration sale. The term ‘Recipient’ refers to the party to whom entitlement to display the registration upon his/her vehicle is transferred upon completion of a registration sale.

1.5 The term ‘Customer’ refers to Recipient as defined in paragraph 1.4 above, or to a purchaser of any other RegHunters products or user of RegHunters services also referred to as ‘you’ and ‘your’ within these Terms .

1.6 These Terms are the whole agreement between you, our Customer, and us. If a court should decide that any part of these Terms is invalid and/or cannot be enforced, that particular element of these Terms will not apply, but the rest of these Terms will remain in force. Any waiver or exception made at RegHunter's discretion shall be made without prejudice to these Terms. It shall not be deemed a continuing waiver or exception, nor shall it be deemed to set a precedent.

1.7 English law shall apply to these Terms. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Terms and for those purposes irrevocably submit all disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

1.8 All contracts and their fulfilment are undertaken by, and will be with Supplied To You Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, Number 08865745, with registered address at 9 The Foxes, Telford. TF7 4NH, VAT number 179000910

1.9 It is the responsibility of the buyer that the registration purchased is suitable for the vehicle that it is intended for. A vehicle may not appear younger than it is by changing the registration. (For example, putting an 'P' prefix registration on a 'M' prefix vehicle would make the vehicle appear younger and is not allowed. However, any prefix registration from 'A' to 'M' may be put on a 'M' prefix vehicle. If a purchase is made where this problem occurs RegHunters.co.uk will supply the registration on a Retention Document ready to transfer to a suitable vehicle. 

2. Buying Registrations

2.1 We sell registration marks owned by clients, government stock and our own stock, upon our Customer’s agreement to purchase we will purchase the rights and transfer them. We do not act as agents and the Customer’s recourse in a transaction is to RegHunters, there is no agency.

All purchases of registrations are conditional and are subject to availability and these Terms.

 2.2 The purchaser of a registration mark must submit the correct documentation within 21 days of purchase if they require RegHunters to transfer the registration mark onto their vehicle and in all instances if the mark purchased is of an Irish origin. Under Distance Selling Regulations, if the buyer does not proceed with the transfer of the registration mark after paying part/full payment or fails to supply the full documents required by DVLA, then no part of this payment is refundable, whatsoever, as the service period commences immediately. Ordered numbers cannot be refunded nor exchanged, nor will any cancellations be accepted. If the balance payment is not received, a debt recovery company will be employed to recover any payments outstanding. There will be additional charges for their services. Please note there is no cooling off period.

2.3 Any registration mark supplied on a certificate will need to be transferred to a vehicle by the expiry date of the certificate. This will be the responsibility of the purchaser. There are some registration numbers that RegHunters will not be able to supply on certificates. In these circumstances, the purchaser will be required to supply documents to allow such numbers to be transferred onto a vehicle.

2.4 Some Certificates of Entitlement or Retention Documents can be extended by RegHunters but these are limited to those where RegHunters is the Purchaser on a Certificate of Entitlement or Grantee on a Retention Document. If the certificate is one that can be extended, there will be a fee of £50 + VAT payable to Supplied To You Ltd to extend the certificate for 10 Years which will need to be paid before the certificate expires.

2.5 Many registration marks can be supplied on a Certificate of Entitlement within 3-5 working days, but other types of transfer can take 4-6 weeks and all transfers can take up to 12 weeks. Although we do often give you an idea of timescale for transfer to be completed at the point of sale this can vary due to unforeseen circumstances. It should be understood that where we are advertising a mark for a private owner, the mark is held by the owner until the transaction is complete, and not by RegHunters, thus slow action on the part of the owner may occasionally cause delay. If we are unable to complete a transfer within 12 weeks of receipt of cleared funds and correct documentation from the purchaser, a full refund of all monies paid will be made upon request.

2.6 Once a transfer has been authorised by the Department of Transport (DVLA Swansea) RegHunters, disavows, and is free from, all liabilities regarding the mark in question.

2.7 It is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser to ensure that the correct details are entered when purchasing a registration mark online and when speaking to a representative of RegHunters. The standard NATO phonetic alphabet, or similar aid to clarity, should be used when referring to the characters in a registration mark, as many letters of the alphabet sound similar on the phone.

2.8 Some registration marks are subject to VAT. All registration marks sold are subject to Department of Transport fee.

2.9 When using a valid RegHunters promotional code in conjunction with your purchase, the following additional terms and conditions apply:

i) Discounts are only valid until the published expiry or end date (where a date has been specified).

ii) Only one discount may be claimed per Customer per transaction.

iv) Discounts must be claimed at the commencement of negotiation. Discounts may not be claimed in addition to, or subsequent to, any negotiated reductions to advertised prices.

v) We reserve the right to suspend, alter or cancel any advertised discount at any time, including prior to the advertised expiry or end date, without notice.

2.10 Any full or part payment taken on a registration mark is non-returnable (unless the transfer cannot proceed due to the default of the donor or failure of the transfer at Vehicle Registration Office level). If part payment is taken at the point of sale the balance will be due within 7 days unless alternative payment arrangements were made and confirmed by RegHunters in writing. Failure to pay the balance within the time limits will result in the forfeit of any monies paid and the registration mark will be placed back on the market.

2.11 If a Customer pays a part payment on a registration mark and subsequently wishes to pay the balance on a credit or charge card we are at liberty to surcharge the said Customer. (NOTE – we only surcharge the percentage that the individual card company charges us).

2.12 All registration marks are sold subject to availability and although RegHunters checks the availability of every registration mark before advertising and selling, we cannot accept responsibility should the registration become unavailable due to error, default or action on the part of a donor, or in the unlikely event of failure of the transfer at Vehicle Registration Office level. In these circumstances RegHunters will try and find a suitable replacement registration mark or refund the purchaser in full. Liability will be limited to a full refund. In cases where failure is in some way due to the fault of the purchaser, no liability will be accepted and no claims for damages, interest on monies paid or any other expenses will be entertained.

2.13 Whilst nothing in these terms shall affect your rights as a consumer. Your rights under the Consumer Contract (Distance Selling) Regulations 2014 cease to apply upon accepting a contract to purchase the entitlement to display a registration mark. The provisions in the Distance Selling Regulations regarding cancellation and return do not apply to a personalised product such as a vehicle registration or a number plate. Such personalised products and services are exempt. Our service begins immediately and cannot be cancelled.

2.14 Prices may be subject to change without notice.

2.15 Although RegHunters makes every effort to ensure that advertised prices are correct, we acknowledge that occasional errors could occur. If a Customer purchases a registration mark that is subsequently found to be incorrectly priced, RegHunter's liability will be limited to a full refund of any monies paid.

3. Price Match Policy

3.1 RegHunters will endeavour to match or beat a price quoted by another independent dealer for an identical or similar registration mark. Price matching will only be considered before and at the time of transaction. Price matching will not be applied retrospectively once a transaction is complete.

3.2 While we will make all reasonable efforts to match or beat a competitor's price, there may be instances where we would be unable to do so without pecuniary loss. It is our policy not to match prices in such instances.

4. New Registration Releases

New registration releases occur at various times as announced by the issuing authority. Upon request, RegHunters will endeavour to purchase registrations on Customers' behalf on the relevant day of release. As with all UK vehicle registrations, a new-release registration can only be assigned to a vehicle registered in or after the period indicated by the registration's year identifier code. Alternatively, new-release registrations may be held on a Certificate of Entitlement ready for later transfer to a suitable vehicle. In the unlikely event that we are unable to secure a new-release registration on behalf of a Customer, we will refund all payment, in full, within 48 hours of the release date of the registration in question.

5. General Registration Transfer Terms

5.1 It is illegal to display a new registration mark before its transfer is completed by The Department for Transport.

5.2 Vehicles to which registrations are to be transferred to must be taxed and have valid MOT or GVT (Goods Vehicle Test) certificates where applicable.

5.3 Purchasers in Northern Ireland now have the same transfer process as main land UK. No additional charge are required.

5.4 i) RegHunters will usually be the grantee or the original purchaser on the certificate for numbers that RegHunters supplies to Recipients on certificate. The Recipient will be the nominee. Changes must be made via RegHunters. The registered keeper will assume control over the registration when the registration is assigned to a vehicle.

ii) Where someone other than RegHunters is shown as grantee or original purchaser we will have Power of Attorney to act on their behalf. On these occasions we will supply the certificate with a Power of Attorney giving us authority to sign for changes to the certificate. The purchaser will need to supply the Power of Attorney with the certificate to DVLA with their vehicle documents when they assign the registration to a vehicle.

6. General Terms

6.1 All personal data collected by us will be treated as confidential. We shall not share such data other than where we need to in order to execute our contractual obligations, where we are compelled by law, required by parties with authority to require it or where you have given us explicit permission. We do not sell personal data. All payments are processed securely via Worldpay, we do not store credit card details.

6.2 No person other than the parties hereto shall have any rights under or in connection with it by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.

6.3 The clause headings are included for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement.

6.4 Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

6.5 References to person shall be deemed to include references to natural persons, to firms, to partnerships, to companies, to corporations, to associations, to organisations and to trusts (in each case whether or not having separate legal personality).

6.6 References in these Terms to Recitals and Clauses are references to Recitals and Clauses in these Terms.

6.7 References in these Terms to statutory provisions shall (unless the context otherwise requires and unless otherwise expressly provided) be construed as references to those provisions as respectively amended, consolidated, extended or re-enacted from time to time (whether before or after the date of these Terms), and to any order regulations instruments or other supporting legislation made under the relevant statute.





RegHunters.co.uk Terms and Conditions of website use and acquisition of registration rights ‘Acquisition Terms’

(For terms relating to purchase of registration rights, good and services from RegHunters please click here)

1. Introduction and Definitions.

1.1 The RegHunters.co.uk website sells the rights of entitlement to display vehicle registration marks. The RegHunters.co.uk website, as at 1 March 2023 is owned by Supplied to You Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, with the registered office at 9 The Foxes, Telford TF7 4NH, United Kingdom, company registration number 08865745.

Correspondence should be sent to:
Plate Hunter, 9 The Foxes, Telford. TF7 4NH
email: sales@reghunters.co.uk
Tel: 01952 588888

From 1 March 2023, management and legal contract fulfilment for RegHunters.co.uk is undertaken by Supplied to You. In this document references to ‘we’, ‘us’, ’our’ and ‘RegHunters’ shall mean ‘Supplied to You trading as RegHunters.co.uk’

1.2 Use of the RegHunters.co.uk website and/or all online and offline services of RegHunters.co.uk (including telesales services and our Internet social networking pages and channels) are subject to these Terms and Conditions (hereafter referred to as "the Acquisition Terms"), and by using the site or services you agree to be bound by the Acquisition Terms. If you do not agree to these then you may not use our website or services.

1.3 You may make a copy of these Acquisition Terms for your reference. The Acquisition Terms are a legal agreement between you and us and can only be modified with our consent. We may improve or revise these Acquisition Terms at our discretion by changing them on this website. The version of these Terms that is current, and thus displayed at the time of your visit, will apply whenever you use this website or our services.

1.4 The term ‘Donor’ refers to the owner of a registration - i.e. the party who owns the entitlement to display the registration upon his/her vehicle, and who will transfer that right to the purchaser upon completion of a registration sale. The term ‘Recipient’ refers to the party to whom entitlement to display the registration upon his/her vehicle is transferred upon completion of a registration sale.

1.5 In these Acquisition Terms ‘Vendor’ refers to the Donor as defined in paragraph 1.4 above or also referred to as ‘you’ and ‘your’ within these Terms. The term ‘Customer’ refers to the recipient again defined in paragraph 1.4 above.

1.6 These Terms are the whole agreement between you, the Donor, and us. If a court should decide that any part of these Terms is invalid and/or cannot be enforced, that particular element of these Acquisition Terms will not apply, but the rest of these Acquisition Terms will remain in force. Any waiver or exception made at RegHunter's discretion shall be made without prejudice to these Acquisition Terms. It shall not be deemed a continuing waiver or exception, nor shall it be deemed to set a precedent.

1.7 English law shall apply to these Acquisition Terms. You irrevocably agree that the courts of England will have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute which may arise out of, under, or in connection with these Acquisition Terms and for those purposes irrevocably submit all disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

1.8 All contracts and their fulfilment are undertaken by, and will be with Supplied To You Ltd, a company registered in England & Wales, Number 08865745, with registered address at 9 The Foxes, Telford. TF7 4NH, VAT number 179000910




2. Acquiring Registrations

2.1 We sell registration marks owned by clients, government stock and our own stock, upon our Recipients agreement to purchase we will purchase the rights from the Donor and transfer them. We do not act as agents and the Donor’s recourse in a transaction is to RegHunters, there is no agency. All purchases of registrations are conditional and are subject to these Acquisition Terms.

2.2 When RegHunters conveys to the Donor an offer from a potential purchaser to buy a registration that is being advertised on behalf of RegHunters, the Donor by any verbal or written acceptance of that or any offer constitutes a contract to sell at the agreed price. Telephone calls are recorded in order to preserve evidence of verbal acceptance of an offer. This evidence may be used in legal proceedings if necessary.

2.3 Upon receipt of a confirmation letter the Donor must follow whichever of the following courses of action is applicable.

i) If the registration is currently held upon a Certificate of Entitlement or a Retention Document the Donor must send to RegHunters:

a) The relevant Certificate of Entitlement or Retention Document (which must be current and must not have expired); and

b) The completed and witnessed Power of Attorney form that will be supplied by RegHunters.


ii) If the registration is currently assigned to a vehicle: the Donor must send to RegHunters:

a) The vehicle's (original, not copy) V5C Registration Document (AKA "log book");

b) The completed and witnessed Power of Attorney form that will be supplied by RegHunters.

c) If the Donor requires a new MOT certificate showing the vehicle's new registration then he/she must also send the original current MOT certificate.

2.4 Should the transfer fail due to the default of the purchaser in any way, including failure to pay the balance or to supply the necessary documentation, RegHunters will not be liable for any payment to the Donor. However, RegHunters will, with the Donor's permission, re-advertise the registration mark concerned.

2.5 Should the Donor fail to fulfil his/her part of the contract established under 6.2 above without good reason, RegHunters will pursue legal action for Breach of Contract if necessary. What constitutes "good reason" shall be decided at RegHunters’ sole discretion. During the sale process, evidence of contract and agreement is recorded to such an extent that Breach of Contract may be clearly established and demonstrated in court.

2.6 Payment to the Donor will be made upon completion of the transfer. Completion is defined as follows:

i) For non-Northern Ireland private sales

a) Certificate to vehicle transfers are complete when RegHunters receives the recipient's new V5 Log Book bearing the new registration.

b) Vehicle-to-vehicle transfers are complete when RegHunters receives a copy of the Donor's new V5C document.

c) Vehicle to certificate transfers are complete when receives the new V778 from DVLA showing RegHunters as the grantee.

d) Certificate to certificate transfers are complete when RegHunters receives the new V778/V750 from DVLA with nominee added and RegHunter's address added as grantee.

ii) For sales involving transfers to/from vehicles registered in Northern Ireland:

2.7 Our standard form of payment to a Donor is by cheque. However in certain cases we may agree to make payment by bank transfer. When this is the case we pay by standard bank transfer direct to the account nominated by the Donor. Should the Donor request a same day bank transfer RegHunters reserves the right to pass on any relevant bank charges for this service. This transfer is subject to standard banking conditions. It is the responsibility of the Donor to give us their correct bank details. We accept no liability for payments that are lost as a result of the Donor giving incorrect bank details.


3. General Registration Transfer Acquisition Terms

3.1 It is illegal to display a new registration mark before its transfer is completed by The Department for Transport.

3.2 Vehicles to which registrations are to be transferred to must be taxed and have valid MOT or GVT (Goods Vehicle Test) certificates where applicable.

3.3 Purchasers in Northern Ireland should be aware that if a registration mark is currently being held on a certificate they can now be transfered straight onto an NI vehicle with no extra charges.

3.4 i) RegHunters will usually be the grantee or the original purchaser on the certificate for numbers that RegHunters supplies to Recipients on certificate. The Recipient will be the nominee. Changes must be made via RegHunters. The registered keeper will assume control over the registration when the registration is assigned to a vehicle.

ii) Where someone other than RegHunters is shown as grantee or original purchaser we will have Power of Attorney to act on their behalf. On these occasions we will supply the certificate with a Power of Attorney giving us authority to sign for changes to the certificate. The purchaser will need to supply the Power of Attorney with the certificate to DVLA with their vehicle documents when they assign the registration to a vehicle.

4. General Acquisition Terms

4.1 All personal data collected by us will be treated as confidential. We shall not share such data other than where we need to in order to execute our contractual obligations, where we are compelled by law, required by parties with authority to require it or where you have given us explicit permission. We do not sell personal data. All payments are processed securely via Worldpay, we do not store credit card details.

4.2 No person other than the parties hereto shall have any rights under or in connection with it by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

4.3 The clause headings are included for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of this Agreement;

4.4 Words denoting the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

4.5 References to person shall be deemed to include references to natural persons, to firms, to partnerships, to companies, to corporations, to associations, to organisations and to trusts (in each case whether or not having separate legal personality).

4.6 References in these Acquisition Terms to Recitals and Clauses are references to Recitals and Clauses in these Acquisition Terms

4.7 References in these Acquisition Terms to statutory provisions shall (unless the context otherwise requires and unless otherwise expressly provided) be construed as references to those provisions as respectively amended, consolidated, extended or re-enacted from time to time (whether before or after the date of these Acquisition Terms), and to any order regulations instruments or other supporting legislation made under the relevant statute.